Showing posts with the label Apostasy

Mauritania: New 'Apostasy' Draft Law - Death Sentence Would Be Mandatory in Some Cases

Mauritania broadens death penalty for blasphemy

Mauritanian blogger Mohamed Cheikh Ould Mohamed released after 3 years in detention

Mauritanian prosecutors appeal sentence against 'blasphemy' blogger

Mauritanian Blogger Who Faced Death Penalty for Apostasy to Be Freed

Mauritania: Quash Blogger Mkhaitir's Death Sentence

'Deplorable': Denouncing United States Vote Against Death Penalty Ban at the United Nations

U.S. opposes UN resolution against death penalty for same-sex relations

Iran: Prisoner of conscience Mohammad Ali Taheri sentenced to death for "spreading corruption on earth"

Malaysia can’t enforce, but penalty for leaving Islam is death, mufti reminds apostates

Iran: Appeal Court and Only Five Minutes Defense Time

Atheism in Saudi Arabia, God's own country

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