Showing posts with the label Anti-Globalization

Twin Peaks Revival and Critiquing Anti-Globalization

Dr. Amp throws the finger [x2!] at global capitalism. After embarking on a fairly lengthy discussion of how Donald Trump should be a hero and not a hate figure of the anti-globalization movement amid…

Shouldn't Anti-Globalization Activists [Heart] Trump?

G-20 Hamburg protests : why the hate for anti-globalization champion Trump? For years, anti-globalization protesters have gone out to all sorts of notable economically-related gatherings worldwide, b…

New ECB Frankfurt HQ's Literal Baptism of Fire

A jubilant display of fireworks greets the opening of the ECB's new Franfurt digs. For an increasingly controversial organization, the ECB opening its new, EUR 1.3B headquarters in Frankfurt was…

How Cheap Oil Saved the Arctic From Drilling

Save us from those " saving " the Arctic from discontinued plans for oil and gas drilling there. There has been much hot air--gas, if you will--expended in the past few years over the poten…

Is 'Responsible Mining' an Oxymoron?

Like other extractive industries, mining elicits much hand-wringing among leftists about labor exploitation, environmental degradation, and the decimation of indigenous cultures in mining communities…

Assange's Last Stand: 'Internet Freedom' Revisited

Now this is more like it: diplomatic intrigue, a kooky character, lurid accusations...and American baddies to boot (the last does "Diddley" Bo Xilai one better). The New York Times has a-…

Occupy Wall Street, New Anti-Globalization Flunkies

Some people never learn. One of the recurring complaints about the so-called anti-globalization movement has been its lack of an actionable and coherent agenda. In many ways, anti-globalization is a…

When Corporations Ruled...Creditworthiness

I enjoy the writings of Gillian Tett of the Financial Times for a very good reason. In contrast to the usual mindless econo-blather you get from financial journalists and the economists they cover, …

Branding ≠ Capitalism: Another Naomi Klein Fallacy

When it comes to flyweight and academically insubstantial commentary, few outdo pseudo anti-globalization author Naomi Klein. Aside from dubious wholesale denunciations of "capitalism" via …

Anti-Globalization Protesters Outlast Royals, Too

I am sure that had they been on the parade route of a Middle East royal wedding, they'd have met a grislier fate: anti-war, anti-globalization protester Brian Haw and friends have been in the vic…

Wimps Become Economists, Toughies Riot Police

In this day and age, let's just say economists have an image problem. Likely as a consequence of being cheap and selfish as a rule, economists are usually adjudged among the least attractive of…

G20 Protest: Battle in Seattle, Turmoil in Toronto

In case you missed it, the twin protests of the G8 and G20 summits recently held in Toronto, Canada were rather violent given the relatively quiet anti-globalization protests of the past few years. E…

IMF's Strauss-Kahn Buries Washington Consensus

There must be something in the water in Cambridge. I'm certain you remember the Bush in Iraq-inspired shoe throwing incident when Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited that world-famous university.…

Questionable Socialist Stylings: Ecuador's Correa

On 27 October 2009, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa came to speak at the LSE. Brandishing the classic repertoire of Latin American firebrands, he denounced American imperialism, the Washington Co…

US Intrafirm Trade: When MNCs Rule the World?

Sometime ago I read an exceptionally bad anti-globalization book by David Korten entitled When Corporations Rule the World . Ridden with factual errors such as the corporate revenues versus GDP appl…

A Pitiful Mind: Naomi Klein "Explains" Trade

It bothers me that debate in political-economic matters is often dominated by those who blabber the loudest without necessarily having anything meaningful to say. Sometime ago, our friends at IPE@UNC…

Thai Rioters Can Teach Anti-Globalization Flunkies

This is getting ridiculous . In December, an ASEAN summit that was supposed to be held in Thailand was derailed when anti-Thaksin supporters waylaid the proceedings. Now that Thaksinite influences ha…

Hugo Chavez: Capitalism Must Die (Er, Not Really)

And so we have news of Hugo Chavez banging on the revolutionary drum for the umpteenth time in the wake of the latest G-20 meeting: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ridiculed the G-20 summit's a…

G-20 Protests: Let Leftist Profs Be Leftist Profs, Etc.

And so the world is awash with protests over the upcoming G-20 meeting. In London just yesterday, they were 35,000 strong --not a bad showing. I will soon post at greater length about the G-20's…

DPRK, You Don't Attract FDI by Holding Hostage

Truly independent regimes do not exist outside the minds of anti-globalization fantasists. Indeed, there are still goods which need to be procured from the outside world even in cuckoo land, North Ko…
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