Showing posts with the label Animals & Plants

These Adorable Little Animals Will Survive Nearly Any Global Apocalypse

Asteroid impact, exploding stars, intense bursts of radiation... a whole variety of astronomical events could see the end of the human species, not to mention the destruction of all manner of global …

Sheep Gives Birth To Terrifying ‘Half-Human Half-Beast’

If you happened to tune in for the live stream of April the giraffe earlier this year, you’ll agree that it was beautiful, but it was also kind of gross. If, like many people online, you’d never seen…

Look What Researchers Found in the Ocean off Australia

Deep-sea researchers working off the coast of Australia continue to find some pretty stunning examples of never-before-seen ocean life. Late last month, the group showed one of their more impressive …

Millions Of Americans Think Chocolate Milk Comes From Brown Cows

If you go to the Innovation Center for US Dairy's website, their top frequently asked question is: "Does chocolate milk come from brown cows?".  They answer it  clearly and politely: &q…
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