Showing posts with the label Anderson Cooper

O'Hare UFO Eye Witness Appears in Silhouette on CNN | VIDEO (Redux)

Mainstream media’s interest in the “O’Hare UFO Incident” hasn’t waned yet; the latest to jump in on the UFO bandwagon was/is Anderson Cooper of “Anderson Cooper 360°” aired by CNN. Interesti…

Intelligent Life 94 Light-Years Away? | VIDEO

Tweet A SETI Signal?      A star system 94 light-years away is in the spotlight as a possible candidate for intelligent inhabitants, thanks to the discovery of a radio signal by a group of Russian…

Radio Signal Sparks Alien Life Speculation | VIDEO

(CNN)Astronomers engaged in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) are training their instruments on a star around 94 light years from Earth after a very strong signal was detecte…
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