Showing posts with the label Americana

Self-Hatred: Would-Be Latino Builders of Trump's Wall

As Eddie Money once sang, " Gimme Some Water ." To me, it's the most distasteful thing imaginable: why would persons of Latin American heritage help build the infrastructural centerpiec…

TrumpCare: The Adios, Geezers "Health" Plan & IPE

I try not to focus excessively on US-only topics, but this I cannot resist since it has the potential to delay or waylay the rest of Trump's racist-isolationist-protectionist agenda. (Which is a …

Pro-, Anti-Trade Voices Duke It Out at White House

Death by economic insanity: Maybe the lunatic fringe will be sidelined on trade, at least, at the White House. It was always going to end up here, I think: American President Donald Trump has appoint…

Missing Immigrants: How Trump Can Sink US Housing

The American Dream: Immigrants not welcome by order of Donald Trump. A climate of fear has descended among recent immigrants to the United States. Amid fears that they may be soon be deported or othe…

Berlin Wall Redux: Asylum Seekers at US-Canada Border

Fleeing Trump's USA: Royal Canadian Mounted Police help Sudanese refugees reach a civilized nation. During the Cold War, the fulcrum upon which the world seemed to hinge was the Berlin Wall. It s…

Xenophobe Trump Needs Migrants to Hit 3% GDP Growth

To generate growth, the US needs more rather than less people from abroad. The math is simple. Amidst the barely concealed xenophobia of Trump's presidential campaign, something is becoming more …

Corporate Racket: Pretend to Leave Trump's USA

Wave this in front of the dimwit Trump and collect lots of government money. US President-elect Donald Trump's avowed interest in keeping American jobs Stateside--no matter how misguided they may…

Trump Makes America #1 Environmental Rogue Regime Again

Welcome to the coalface, circa 2016 in TrumpWorld. As a lover of conspiracy theories, Donald Trump famously said that climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese (nevermind that they're …

Trump + Business Savvy + Political Craft = Bloomberg

The guy in the middle has far more more stature than the one in the red cap. What's the world coming to when one of the United States' main political parties has nominated a xenophobic, Islam…

The 1 Percenter: 'Japanification' of US Treasuries

How low can you go? US Treasuries do the limbo rock. There's a depressing article in Bloomberg in which some Japanese prognosticators believe that US Treasuries are headed to where (negative yi…

US Kills $150B Pfizer-Allergan Tax Avoidance Merger

Not gonna happen thanks to Uncle Sam's intervention. A few weeks ago, I had written about the impending pharmaceutical mega-merger of Pfizer and Allergan. Although Pfizer is much larger than All…

Trump & Sanders: Actually, Americans [Heart] Trade

Americans are anti-trade? Whatever . With the US primaries underway to select the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates, you'd be in pretty good company if you believed that Americans…

Utterly Predictable: Candidate H Clinton 'Opposing' TPP

The general rule for modern Democratic candidates is to voice skepticism for trade agreements in the run-up to elections, and then warm up to them once in office. The electoral dynamics are simple: o…

A Catholic Counterpoint to Papal Capitalism-Bashing

First Raul Castro, up next the Yanquis. Pope Francis' visit to the Americas--he's in Cuba at the moment--has occasioned much thought among the power and money elites about how to deal with hi…

Can Mrs. Clinton Fix US Via German-Style Apprenticeships?

Apprenticeships for the jobless youth: after eight wasted years, it may at last be Clinton Part III. After engaging in a fair bit of America-bashing now and then, you may be surprised that I have a r…

Hopeless America: Firms Spend On Buybacks, Not Capex

American firms don't dare invest in why should you? There is no clearer sign that Americans don't believe in America than US corporations electing to give earnings back to shareh…

How Much Can the US Gain from Going Metric?

Soak the rich? Eliminate ISIS? Hope? Change? Heck no... let's go metric ! As a lover of fringe candidates, I gleefully note that former Senator Lincoln Chafee (R-Rhode Island) is running for the …

Fast-Track Authority Fails: Is TPP a Goner?

Mission accomplished for trade-bashers ; will Obama's congressional foes successfully derail TPP again? While trade has been a moribund topic Stateside for quite a long time, the US Congress voti…
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