Showing posts with the label Airport Scanners

The TSA is going to look through your books but promises not to notice what you're reading

The TSA began a new screening policy for paper products at airport checkpoints in Missouri last month , and now the agency's branch in Sacramento, California, is testing out more invasive search…

DHS Is Starting to Scan Americans’ Faces Before They Get on International Flights

Air travel already features some attributes of a police state. Metal detectors. Bomb-sniffing dogs. Pat-downs. A gloved TSA agent peering at your toothpaste. But it could get worse. What if your chec…

Facial Recognition Technology For US Airports Being Fast-Tracked By Trump Administration

Soon, it may be hard for visa holders to board an international flight without submitting to a facial geometry scan. The TSA began testing facial recognition systems at Dulles Airport in 2015, then e…

TSA Warns Local Police About Its New Airport Pat-Downs

The decision to alert local and airport police raises a question of just how intimate the agency’s employees may get. On its website, the TSA says employees “use the back of the hands for pat-downs o…

TSA Launches "Invasive" Pat-Downs With "More Intimate Contact Than Before"

Anyone who declines use of the TSA's existing conventional scanner screen will be subject to the new pat-down. The TSA currently screens about 2 million people daily at U.S. airports. The agency …

Welcome Aboard, But First US Marshals Will Scan Your Retina

For some 15 years, airport security has become steadily more invasive. There are ever more checkpoints, ever more requests for documents as you make your way from the airport entrance to the airplane…

Scannergate: Terror Scares A Boon for Security Grifters

With airport security all the rage, companies that manufacture whole body imaging technologies and body-scanners stand to make a bundle as a result of last December's aborted attack on Northwes…

Exposed: Naked Body Scanner Images Of Film Star Printed, Circulated By Airport Staff

Claims on behalf of authorities that naked body scanner images are immediately destroyed after passengers pass through new x-ray backscatter devices have been proven fraudulent after it was reveale…

The Great Airport Scanner Scam

Yet the rush toward full-body scans already seems unstoppable. They were mandated today as part of the "enhanced" screening for travelers from selected countries, and hundreds of the mach…

Full-Body Scanners Increase Cancer Risk

Whole body scans of healthy people will create more problems than they solve by exposing healthy people to radiation. The risk for radiation over-exposure may be small for a single subject, but the…

Full-Body Scanners to Fry Travelers With Radiation

A path has been cleared for the government to publicly roll out dangerous full-body scanners after the failed terrorist attempt on flight 253. Neocons are quaking for the government to implement th…

Underwear Bomber Renews Calls for ‘Naked Scanners’

After an alleged terrorist unsuccessfully tried to detonate his explosive underwear on a Christmas Day flight to Detroit, current and former American officials are now using the failed attack to pus…
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