Showing posts with the label 2014

Chilean Navy 'UFO' Video Explained?

Credit: CEFAA / ufosontherecord's channel      This "UFO" observed on infrared video by the Chilean Navy leaving contrails is probably a plane leaving aerodynamic contrails; probably…

Official Press Release Re Chilean Navy UFO Incident | FULL VIDEO

(Credit: CEFAA / ufosontherecord's channel)      The day November 11, 2014, a helicopter of the Chilean Navy (Airbus Cougar AS-532) equipped with a high definition camera infrared FLIR, was pa…

Groundbreaking UFO Video Released from Chilean Navy

The video depicts two connected white circular lights or hot spots, giving off much heat (Credit: CEFAA / ufosontherecord's channel)      An exceptional nine-minute Navy video of a UFO display…

UFO Filmed Over Las Vegas | VIDEO

A Nevada witness at Las Vegas reported watching and videotaping a round UFO with light beaming from the object to the ground level, according to testimony in Case 59760 from the Mutual UFO Netw…

UFO Triangle Spotted By Hunter

An Arizona witness at Willcox who is a meteorological observer for the military recounts a UFO encounter from 2014 and questions his own reactions, according to testimony in Case 74926 from the…

UFO Photograph Taken in Oakville, Missouri, One of The Best, says MUFON

Tweet      A mother and son captured images of a strange object moving towards them in June of 2014. The Mutual UFO Network’s Scientific Review Board (MUFON SRB) took a look at the photos and could…

Sphere UFO Drops Object To Ground Level | VIDEO

By Roger Marsh OpenMinds.tv 2-5-16      A Washington witness at Spokane Valley reported watching and videotaping a glowing sphere that stopped to hover and appeared to drop something, according t…

Low, Hovering, Triangular UFO Spotted Near Roswell

By Roger Marsh OpenMinds.tv 1-23-15      A New Mexico witness near Roswell reported watching a slow moving, triangle-shaped UFO that stopped and hovered “50 to 60 feet off of the ground,” accordin…

Triangular Shaped UFO Reported 20 Feet Overhead

Tweet By Roger Marsh OpenMinds.tv 1-12-15       A Texas couple near Leon Valley and San Antonio reported watching a slow moving, silent, triangle-shaped object just 20 feet off of the ground tha…

The Year In UFOs and ETs (2014)

Tweet By The Huffington Post 12-29-14      There never seems to be a problem finding UFO stories to talk about. Year after year, people around the world report encounters with and sightings of od…

‘Shape Shifting’ UFOs Videotaped Over Massachusetts Skies | VIDEO

Tweet By Roger Marsh OpenMinds.tv 10-15-14      Witnesses in Holyoke, MA, reported watching and videotaping a series of “shape shifting” UFOs that moved in different directions for more than thr…

UFOs Photographed Over Seattle, Washington | MY UFO EXPERIENCE

Tweet UFOs Photographed Over Seattle, Washington By Josiah Moore The UFO Chronicles 9-20-14      6:15 am watched 3 glowing objects in sky hover motionless for 45 minutes in the eastern sky from…

Triangle UFO Reported Hovering Over Indiana Town

Tweet Triangle UFO Reported Hovering Over Indiana Town By Roger Marsh OpenMinds.tv 9-10-14      An Indiana witness reported watching a triangle UFO silently hovering over a highway near a down…
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