8 Interesting Journal Articles on Financial Crisis

Our friends at Palgrave-Macmillan, one of the most established academic publishers, have sent me a note about eight journal articles that they have liberated from the subscription firewall bearing on the current financial crisis. They all look interesting as many of the authors and publications should be familiar to those dabbling in this subject matter. Off the cuff, I am interested in Lars Jonung's article as to how the Scandinavian banking cleanup was effected given that many American commentators see parallels between it and remedying the US mess. Leonard Seabrooke's "Varieties of Residential Capitalism!" [!] also looks provocative. I've met Len Seabrooke and while we don't share similar perspectives, he's an awfully nice fellow with many interesting viewpoints. Regardless, there are few doubts that housing constitutes a major political-economic realm in any number of countries. Happy reading...

1. Lessons from Financial Liberalisation in Scandinavia
Lars Jonung
Comparative Economic Studies

2. Umbrella Supervision and the Role of the Central Bank
Joseph G. Haubrich and James B. Thomson
Journal of Banking Regulation

3. The subprime mortgage debacle and its linkages to corporate governance
James Bicksler
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance

4. Varieties of Residential Capitalism in the International Political Economy: Old Welfare States and the New Politics of Housing
Herman Schwartz and Leonard Seabrooke
Comparative European Politics

5. Regulating risk: a measured response to the banking crisis
David Halliday McIlroy
Journal of Banking Regulation

6. Be careful what you ask for: is fair value accounting really fair?
Alfred M. King
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance

7. Economic Review: November 2008
Economic & Labour Market Review

8. Time to fix the plumbing: improving the UK framework following the collapse of Northern Rock
John Raymond LaBrosse
Journal of Banking Regulation

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